
Karen CastaƱeda

TEAM Leader

A graduate of the School of Commerce and Administration, Santo Tomas Unit, Karen is responsible for accounting for a designated client portfolio and performing bank reconciliations for these companies.

Through the portal, she submits the DIOT and monthly declarations to the tax authority and the treasury department. Karen codes and captures vouchers (income, expenses, journals) for all accounting into the program in use (CONTPAQ).

She handles the registration, termination, and changes of employees in the companies in the SUA program and with the Social Security Institute through the IDSE.

Currently, she is in charge of a team with designated clients in the tax area, determining provisional payments and monthly and annual declarations; reviewing and preparing DIM, SIPRED, and DISIF; preparing RNIE and dividend decrees; and reviewing and preparing cash flow within accounts receivable and payable.

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